Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
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11) C++ Tutorial
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17) Java by API
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21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
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28) MySQL Tutorial
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30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
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43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) ADO Database
3) Class Interface
4) Collections Data Structure
5) Components
6) Data Types
7) Date Time
8) Design Patterns
9) Development Class
10) Event
11) File Stream
12) Generics
13) GUI Windows Form
14) Internationalization
15) Language Basics
16) LINQ
17) Network
18) Office
19) Reflection
20) Regular Expressions
21) Security
22) Services Event
23) Thread
24) Web Services
25) Windows
26) WPF
27) XML
1) A Big-endian binary writer
2) ASCIIEncoding Class represents an ASCII character encoding of Unicode characters
3) Big-endian binary reader
4) Calculates the maximum number of bytes produced by encoding the specified number of characters
5) Calculates the maximum number of characters produced by decoding the specified number of bytes
6) Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding
7) Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters from the specified character array
8) Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding the characters in the specified String
9) Calculates the number of characters produced by decoding a sequence of bytes from the specified byte array
10) Convert a string from one charset to another charset
11) Convert a string to a Byte Array in UTF8 encoding
12) Convert string to byte array back and forth with Encoding UTF8
13) Convert the passed string to a UTF8 byte array
14) Converts a sequence of Unicode characters into a UTF-8 encoded sequence of bytes
15) Converts a UTF-8 encoded sequence of bytes into a sequence of Unicode characters
16) Create Culture info for fr-FR
17) Create culture info from CurrentUICulture
18) Create Culture info in es-US
19) Create RegionInfo class based on the countryregion associated with the specified culture identifier
20) Create UnicodeEncoding
21) Create UTF8Encoding class
22) Create UTF8Encoding, specify whether to provide a Unicode byte order mark
23) Decodes a range of bytes from a byte array into a string
24) Decodes a sequence of bytes from the specified byte array into the specified character array
25) Derive Number Format info from culture info
26) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current UTF8Encoding object
27) Display only the encodings that have one or more different names
29) Encodes a set of characters from the specified character array into the specified byte array
30) Encodes a set of characters from the specified String into the specified byte array
31) Encoding ASCII encoding for the ASCII (7-bit) character set
32) Encoding Class represents a character encoding
33) EncodingInfo Class provides basic information about an encoding
34) Enumerates all available cultures
35) Extends System Text Encoding to create Petscii Encoding
36) Flip Endian
37) Get byte count and max byte count
38) Get byte count from UnicodeEncoding
39) Get Top Parent Culture
40) Gets an encoding for the UTF-16 format that uses the big endian byte order
41) Gets an encoding for the UTF-32 format using the little endian byte order
42) Gets an encoding for the UTF-8 format
43) Gets the currency symbol associated with the countryregion
44) Gets the name, in English, of the currency used in the countryregion
45) Gets the Windows operating system code page that most closely corresponds to the current encoding
46) Illustrates the CultureInfo class
47) Illustrates the CultureInfo class 2
48) Illustrates the current cultures
49) Initializes a new instance of the ASCIIEncoding class
50) Initializes a new instance of the UTF8Encoding class
51) International Text
52) Is Chinese Character
53) New CultureInfo( de-DE )
54) New CultureInfo( ru-RU )
55) New CultureInfo(da-DK)
56) NumberFormatInfo CurrencyDecimalDigits indicates the number of decimal places to use in currency values
57) NumberFormatInfo CurrencyDecimalSeparator gets or sets the string to use as the decimal separator in currency values.
58) Obtains a decoder that converts a UTF-16 encoded sequence of bytes into a sequence of Unicode characters
59) Pad data to a WORD
60) Petscii Decoder
61) Petscii Encoder
62) Print all Culture info
63) Ptr To String Utf8
64) Read a text file saved with Big Endian Unicode encoding
65) RegionInfo contains information about the countryregion
66) Replace utf-16 encoding with utf-8 encoding
67) Return the value of CharSize and display it
68) Returns a sequence of bytes that specifies the encoding used
69) Returns a Unicode byte order mark encoded in UTF-16 format
70) Returns a Unicode byte order mark encoded in UTF-8 format
71) Returns an array that contains all encodings
72) Returns the hash code for the current instance
73) Returns the high WORD from a DWORD value
74) Returns the number of additional bytes in a UTF-8 character sequence (not including the first byte)
75) Returns the value encoded in BigLittle Endian (PPC, XDR) format
76) Set Culture to current thread
77) Set NumberGroupSeparator
78) Signed Hi Word
79) Signed Lo Word
80) SignedHiWord from IntPtr
81) SignedLoWord from IntPtr
82) Takes a string and turns it into a base-64 Unicode string
83) Unicode version 2 0 character size in bytes
84) UnicodeEncoding Class represents a UTF-16 encoding of Unicode characters
85) Use CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder
86) Use NumberFormatInfo to format a number
87) Use UnicodeEncoding
88) Using Unicode Encoding
89) UTF-7 encoding of Unicode characters
90) UTF8Encoding Class
91) Write a string to a file using default encoding
92) Write special symbol to Text file
93) Write the UTF-16 encoded bytes of the source string
94) Write the UTF-8 and ASCII encoded byte arrays